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Image of a factory smoke stack used as header for What If Governments and Companies Are Challenged in Courts over Alleged Inaction on Climate Change blog post
Image of sunlit forest used as header for What If Consumers Took More Extreme Measures to Help Drive Sustainable Behaviour blog post
Image of cars driving with signals emiting from them demonstrarting that they are autonomous for What If Self-Driving Vehicles Were the New Mass Transit Solution for Cities blog post
Image of shredded jeans for What If the Internet of Things Facilitated the Development of a Circular Economy blog post
Image of a boy in a classroom wearing virtual reality goggles for The Future of Learning and Training Environmental Scan blog post
Image of a city with line connecting building depicting wireless communication for Canada 2030 Scan of Emerging Issues Infrastructure blog post
Image of the Parliament of Canada’s clocktower for Canada 2030 Scan of Emerging Issues Governance blog post
Image of hands securing a plant which has sprouted into the soil for Canada 2030 Scan of Emerging Issues Sustainability blog post