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Reproduction | Future lives

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Future Lives video series


Who is able to have children? When and how do they have children? Why do some have children, while others abstain?

1 in 4 childless adults now cite climate change in their decision not to reproduce.

1 in 5 young people in Canada would like to have children, but feel they cannot afford to.

Declining fertility rates could challenge assumptions at the core of many social and economic policies.

New reproductive technologies are making it more feasible to delay giving birth until later in life.

These technologies, combined with economic instability, anxiety about the future, or lack of affordable childcare, could delay parenthood.

People are increasingly turning to surrogacy, egg or sperm donation, or frozen embryos from other peoples’ IVF treatments.

Cultural and legal definitions of “family” are increasingly dissociated from genetics or biology.

Having children later in life might mean rearranging social and family childcare support.

What new institutions and forms of support for child rearing could emerge?

What forces could affect personal decisions about how, when, and why people have children in the future?

What does this mean for the life course?

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Policy Horizons | Horizons de politiques

Policy Horizons Canada, also referred to as Policy Horizons, is an organization within the federal public service that conducts strategic foresight on cross-cutting issues that informs public servants today about the possible public policy implications over the next 10-15 years.

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