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Social Futures Videos

A divided society: Fractures, wedges, fault lines, and the next crisis | Futures Week 2023

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Futures Week is an annual virtual conference that allows participants to explore the future. Futures Week 2023 was held May 16 – 18, 2023.

Exploring the emerging issues that could be used to sow societal divisions in Canada.


  • Sue Gardner, Founder & CEO, Tiny Ventures
  • Brenda Gunn, Professor, Faculty of Law & Director Academic Research for the National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation, University of Manitoba
  • Eric Merkley, Assistant Professor of Political Science & Policy, University of Toronto
  • Elsa Mondésir-Villefort, Director General, Citoyenneté jeunesse
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Policy Horizons | Horizons de politiques

Policy Horizons Canada, also referred to as Policy Horizons, is an organization within the federal public service that conducts strategic foresight on cross-cutting issues that informs public servants today about the possible public policy implications over the next 10-15 years.

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