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The Surgeon Will Skype You Now

Image of a woman skyping with a doctoer on her computer for The Surgeon Will Skype You Now blog post
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Syrian doctors performed a complex operation in war-torn Aleppo under the direction of a London-based chief surgeon, who led the whole operation over Skype.

So what?

Virtual telepresence could become the norm for an increasing the range of high-level professional services, such as medicine, law or therapy. The Skype-directed operation in Aleppo was created by extreme necessity. The successful completion of this complex medical procedure shows the broader viability of virtual telepresence.

Source: BBC News – http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-37349239

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Policy Horizons Canada, also referred to as Policy Horizons, is an organization within the federal public service that conducts strategic foresight on cross-cutting issues that informs public servants today about the possible public policy implications over the next 10-15 years.

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