
What? A small group in Amsterdam is exploring the possibility of setting up a “FairBnB” to offer vacation rentals in line with principles of a “fair, non-extractive and collaborative economy.” The group is concerned about ... 13 2,11


A small group in Amsterdam is exploring the possibility of setting up a “FairBnB” to offer vacation rentals in line with principles of a “fair, non-extractive and collaborative economy.” The group is concerned about the impact of short-stay apartments on housing prices and neighbourhoods, and the inability of Amsterdam’s regulatory efforts to curb the negative impacts of companies like AirBnB. They would like to create a local alternative to positively impact their neighbourhoods.

So what? 

A growing concern and movement for platform cooperativism and other forms of collaborative economic activity could challenge the corporate sharing economy model. While corporate models are building the sharing economy and doing exceptionally well now (Uber, AirBnB, etc.), it seems possible that they will be challenged in the future by a much wider range of collaborative platforms that offer more transparency and more equal distribution of benefits. Participation in the sharing economy could become even more decentralized as consumers and workers become the platform owners.

Source: https://fairbnb.coop/

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